March 2017

Hello and welcome to the first SEmedia blog post

We live in a fast-paced and ever-changing world, where new brands can emerge and dominate their respective fields in seemingly the time it takes for their name to enter popular usage. Uber, Twitter, how many people swore they would never have a Snapchat account? To what do they owe their popularity and success, what What is the common theme? Most are heavily invested in video, 

Although for Uber, getting involved in video might not be the wisest move considering their well-documented legal woes, driving and video? What could go wrong? But give it time perhaps? 

These days it seems there are two main ways of learning, ‘Google it’ or ‘Youtube it’. Whether it is DIY, Cooking or doing some work on the car, we naturally feel more comfortable seeing and hearing how to work our way through our problems, but did you ever realise this way of thinking has led Youtube to be the world’s second-largest search engine?

A couple of days ago on LinkedIn, I saw someone claiming to have asked their clients what the ROI on their video had been,  the results were staggering! I’m paraphrasing, but it was something in the region of 7-10x the video created in new customers for the business.

Obviously, I am writing from a fairly biased position, but I truly believe in the value of video to increase both website traffic and revenue.  and It will be very interesting to reach out to a previous client perhaps for a future blog post!

I look forward to reading your thoughts and how your use of video has increased your business.


Dir. SEmedia